Non-standard handwashing countertop stone window sill stone measurement method

Non-standard washbasin area = actual projection area of the countertop + area of retaining stone + skirt area

1. Non-standard under bench basin washbasin area

Table stone area = A*B+(A+B)*H+(D1+D2)*C

2. Non-standard table basin washing table area

Table stone area = A*B+(A+B)*H+(D1+D2)*C

3. “L” type non-standard washing station area

Table stone area = A1*B+A2*B2+(A1+B1+A2)*H+(DI+D2)*C

Non-standard window sill stone area = actual projection area of table stone + lower water edge area

Grinding edge length = lower retaining edge length

1. “One” shaped window sill stone area

Window sill stone area = A*C+D*E*2+B*H

Edging length = B

2. “L” shaped window sill stone area

Window sill stone area = A*B1+D*B2+F*G*2+(C+E)*H

Grinding length = C+E

3. “Bagua” type window sill stone area

Window sill stone area = (A+E)*D/2+(B+F)*D/2+(C+G)*D/2+(E+F+G)*H

Edged length = E+F+G

Non-standard threshold stone area = actual projection area of threshold stone + thickened edge area

1. No thickened edge sill stone area

Sill stone area = A*B

2. There is a thickened edge sill stone area

Sillstone area = A*B+A*C